In December, our focus shifts toward family, festivities and vacation time. We spend lots of time relaxing and — hopefully — recharging, before returning to work in the new year.
But when we settle back into work life, we can find ourselves feeling down and unmotivated. If you’ve got the post-holiday blues, or are finding it hard to get back into the swing of things, here are a few easy ways to get back into a work frame of mind;
Create one work resolution
Nothing motivates like a new goal. Maybe you want to take a walk every day at lunch, or try a different position, or add three new clients to your roster. Give the goal some thought and, whatever you decide, track yourself to achieve it.
Reconnect with your colleagues
Remember, you’re not the only one who took time off over the holidays. Chances are, your colleagues are struggling to get back in the groove, too. This is a perfect time to recharge your social life at work. Commiserate, collaborate and remind yourself that your part of a community.
Get creative
Bring some zest to your existing work, and it will come alive. If you write press releases for a living, why not check out a webinar on creative writing? If your work isn’t inherently creative, think about adding a daily journal entry to your to-do list. Studies show that journaling sparks creative thought, helps you achieve goals and reduces stress.
Treat yourself
When we lack motivation, it’s important not to get down on ourselves. Instead, offer yourself rewards if you’re finding it hard to complete tasks. Every time you check an item off your to-do list, give yourself a treat. That could be a cup of tea, a walk, a stretch or a chance to catch up with a colleague. When returning to work after a break, sometimes we need to take baby steps.